QIF is the Quality Information Framework, a suite of XML based data models that contain everything from model definitions with associated GD&T, inspection plans, inspection results, to multi-part statistics in a common QIF document format. The new QIF 2.0 standard has been approved by the Dimensional Metrology Standards Consortium (DMSC) for progression to an ANSI standard and will be out for public review this fall.
Origin News & Events
Topics: origin international, CheckMate, metrology, QIF, Origin
CheckMate for SOLIDWORKS® is now available. The initial release features CheckMate CMM Programming, Soft Gauging, Reporting and SoftFit Solver ™ . Subsequent releases over the course of 2014 will include additional modules and new product. SOLIDWORKS® is the platform of choice for the CheckMate suite of CAD based dimensional metrology software based on the quality of the product, its level of penetration in the manufacturing sector and the level of excellence of the SOLIDWORKS® reseller channel. CheckMate for SOLIDWORKS® will serve to enhance our customers metrology experience and increase their productivity.
Topics: manufacturing engineers, origin international, SolidWorks, CheckMate, measurement, metrology
We are excited to announce that going forward the platform of choice for our CheckMate CAD based metrology products is SolidWorks from Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corp.
Topics: SolidWorks, CheckMate, metrology, CAD based, automotive, aerospace
Spring has sprung...I hope. Spring is also a time of new, fresh announcements and ideas. This is true for Origin International. Read about our announcement in this months issue.
Topics: origin international, metrology
Research Partner Open House
McMaster University will be holding an Open House on March 26, 2014.
As a research partner through the NSERC CANRIMT Research Network, Origin International has been collaborating with Dr. Allan Spence at McMaster in GD&T and inspection, including point cloud measurement.
Origin International will be in attendance at the Open House in the CMM area with a demonstration of CheckMate software for these applications.
Allan D. Spence, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering McMaster University, JHE 316 1280 Main St. W., Hamilton, ON L8S 4L7 Email . adspence@mcmaster.ca Tel. 905 525-9140 x27130 Fax. 905 572-7944 Cell. 905 379-1378
Topics: CheckMate, measurement, point cloud metrology, gd&t
Topics: origin international, measurement, flexible gauge, Equator, Origin
Effective February 1, 2014, customers will deal direct with Autodesk for any Mechanical Desktop 2008 or 2009 reactivations.
As I browse the internet, I see that Sept/Oct brings about many manufacturing and quality shows where you can see what's hot and what's new. Read on to see what is happening and take note of the events listed on the left. If you want to see the Avro Arrow, then check it out.
Topics: origin international, CheckMate, metrology, Origin
Hope you are enjoying your summer so far. This month we have some goodies to tell you about. For example, our tech tip and webinar although for CheckMate users are also for those of you using the Equator ™. Take a look...
Topics: origin international, CheckMate, metrology, Equator, TransMagic, sheet metal stamping
Long time Origin International Associate, Bob Stone, was recognized for his contribution to the new QIF set of standards at the recent DMSC meeting at Hilton Head Island in South Carolina last week.
Topics: origin international, metrology, DMSC, QIF