New QIF V2.1 Standard
Origin supports QIF 2.0, 2.1, 3.0
A Significant Breakthrough for the Metrology Industry
QIF is the Quality Information Framework, a suite of XML based data models that contain everything from model definitions with associated GD&T, inspection plans, inspection results, to multi-part statistics in a common QIF document format. The new QIF 2.1 is now an ANSI standard and has been approved by the Dimensional Metrology Standards Consortium (DMSC) and is available to use by anyone requesting it.
IMTS 2016 : LIVE DEMO (32min) |
IMTS 2014 : CheckMate QIF Implementation |
This video demonstrates QIF, meta data built on XML technology linked to the CAD model.
- Beginning with a Creo Authority Model-derivative QIF will be created
- High level CMM plan will be created
- DMIS CMM program will be generated and sent off for execution
- Results will be analyzed and then be visualized back on the model
4:25min –Watch how Origin generates an ISO standard DMIS CMM program using CheckMate Software. The QIF MBD and plan data is loaded into SOLIDWORKS using a plug in called FormatWorks by Capvidia. CheckMate is fully integrated with the SOLIDWORKS environment.
5:53min-Learn about the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in the UK that provides manufacturing system solutions. They have the most advanced manufacturing equipment in the world.
7:23min-See how the DMIS results file from the CMM execution is loaded into Origin’s CheckMate software for results analysis where you can generate a host of standard reporting documents.
This video demonstrates the digital thread workflow in the manufacturing of a part. It incorporates 9 companies, in 3 countries. The starting point for this workflow is a CAD model with PMI, in either PTC Creo or SOLIDWORKS.
At 7:43min is where CheckMate will input the high level inspection plan for pundit CMM, generate an ISO standard DMIS CMM program to drive our CMM and then output the measured points in the QIF results format for analysis.
Video conclusion: a QIF MBD model, QIF Plan data, and a set of QIF Results data has been generated. This data can now be cross-referenced, analyzed, and visualized by a variety of software packages.
IMTS 2016 : LIVE DEMO (32min)
Make quality easier with QIF
“Quality the way you have always done it or should you look at QIF”.
QIF is a free open standard.
Introduction by Curtis Brown/ DMSC Member (Honeywell)
Hosted by Jennifer Herron /Action Engineering
Bob Stone of Origin International demonstrates the CheckMate QIF Implementation at IMTS 2014
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Approves New Quality Information Framework (QIF) Standard - Nov 2014 Press Release
The "Founding Principle" of the QIF is simply this: All information models for transporting quality data should be derived from common model libraries so that common information modeling components can be reused throughout the entire quality measurement process and, as a result, the entire process will be inherently interoperable. Visit
Import a QIF 2.1 document and use features and characteristics (tolerances) to create a CheckMate program for output to any of our supported CMM systems (QIF MBD (model based definition) or QIF Plan document).
Export a QIF document for a CheckMate program containing all nominal feature and nominal characteristic (tolerance) information (QIF Plan). Also, export a QIF document for CheckMate loaded results containing all nominal and actual feature and characteristic information for one or multiple loaded results (QIF Results). Raw point data can also be included if available.
Future: support importing of QIF documents containing measurement results (QIF Results) for reporting and further analysis. Also, to implement export of statistical information (QIF Statistics) and implement QIF Rules which will guide automatic point selection on features for measurement.