Compatible with virtually all CAD packages, CMMs, scanners and gauges
- One user interface: validate measurements, identify root cause and iterate best fix solutions
- User-defined feature and datum arrangement so you can isolate specific die stages or datum structures for fitting.
- The industry’s most complete array of fitting algorithms.
- The unique ability to compute fitting simultaneously on multiple part samples, multiple datums and multiple features.
- Detailed data on feature capability, as well as deviation.
- Unique color gradient displays of Cp/Cpk ratios, Range and 6-sigma as well as Deviation and Average Deviation
- Auto-generates PPAP reports compatible with all standards
- Gets all buyoff team members on the same page - literally.
- Zero in on root causes in minutes.
- Corrective action iterations are based on capable features.
- Simulate the effects of grinding, welding or shimming anywhere in a tool, in seconds.
- More time to iterate. No risk of a non-recoverable tool mod.
- Be more aggressive in pursuing best-fix solutions – even temporarily let the datums go
- Reduce time spent iterating physical tools by up to 80%
- Generate more PPAPs
- More efficient resource use and less schedule and warranty risk
- More robust tooling that delivers parts to print for years without maintenance