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    Common Mistakes in Implementing MBD

    Posted on Fri, Aug 19, 2016

    Oboe Wu from SOLIDWORKS takes a look at actual MBD implementations and the strategies some companies followed.

    Some common mistakes in implementing MBD:

    1. Don’t take 2D drawings as the master documents over 3D models anymore.
    2. Don’t treat MBD the same as you would paperless processes.
    3. To avoid all these messy issues, designers and engineers should try to call out at least the key PMI in models explicitly. Oboe lists the major reasons in his article.
    4. Oboe reviews two lessons for the process of implementing MBD: Don’t take too big a bite at first and don’t skip calling out critical PMI.

    Read Oboe's entire article here to make sure you avoid these common mistakes.

    by Oboe Wu, August 17, 2016




    Tags: origin international, SolidWorks, CheckMate, Origin, MBD